Preparedness, The Right Books!

Preparedness, The Right Books!

October 3, 2014 Books I Am Liberty Preppers 0

Preparedness, The Right Books!
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

Books Store150There is something great about a book. The binding. Maybe it’s a well-designed cover. I personally have always loved the pages. Leafing through the pages of a good book. Those nearly see through pages of the bible were always so intriguing to me as well. The couch, a fire and a great book is something that can hardly be beaten. The good news is there are so many great authors out there these days and tonight we are going to point you in their direction.

BooksThough I am grateful that my audience has supported all my writings and I am sure will continue to do so with the coming release of Our World: 29 Recovered Journals I would be remisce not to introduce you to other great writings. Which is why I will have Derrick from Prepper Press on with us for this show. He will no doubt introduce you to some great authors that are part of his press and their top tier work.

Prepper Press has some great new titles out. I really like the look of the Prep Smart series as well as Lynda King’s historical look at prepping in her book Preppers: History and the Cultural Phenomenon. Along with these titles are some great standby authors like Glenn Tate and Joe Nobody. I am not going to try to do justice for these folks who are true professionals. I will let Derrick do the talking.

Books I am liberty 400x300The important thing to remember is that whether you are looking to bolster your skills or simply looking to escape into a great novel Prepper Press can provide you with some great work that is well worth your hard earned dollars. As you know its I AM Liberty so along with this great guest we will also change lanes, without signal, quicker than your mind can follow. SO don’t be foolish. Join us for another exciting episode of I AM Liberty.
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