Prepare for Ebola!

Prepare for Ebola!

September 28, 2014 Herbal Prepper Herbs Plants Preppers Remedies Treatment 2

Now Is The Time To Prepare
Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

Prepare for Ebola How to prepare for ebolaThe Director of the CDC, Tom Frieden, said that Ebola’s spreading to the United States is “inevitable“. When the Center for Disease Control sends the word out to hospitals that, “Now is the time to prepare,” providing a checklist to hospitals urging them to prepare for Ebola, it’s a pretty good bet you need to prepare too. The question is, how to prepare for Ebola, especially when there is no cure.

As of  September 27, 2014, the Centers for Disease Control lists the total number of Ebola cases as 6263, with a total deaths count of 2917. With many cases going unreported, it is impossible to know how many cases and deaths there really are.

Ebola is in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Senegal.  And now, a second, unrelated outbreak has popped up in the Congo (Zaire). Ebola is now doubling every three weeks.

How to Prepare for Ebola

Prepare for Ebola Burdock, Public Domain, WikimediaHow does one prepare for a pandemic outbreak with no cure? If a cure is found, would you be able to get it? What would you do if hospitals were out of beds and understaffed? What would you do if your government ordered a total lockdown like Sierra Leone?

While the medical infrastructure holds, hospitals can provide care that cannot be duplicated in the home-care setting. But, what if our hospitals are overrun? What if there are more cases than can be treated? What if hospital staff begin to get sick, and some staff refuse to come to work out of fear? This is the scenario we look at in this episode.

Topics to be covered in this episode include:

  • 9-28-14 ginger-rootHow to prepare for a forced lockdown
  • How to establish a sick room
  • How does Ebola effect the body
  • What might an herbal approach to Ebola include

The herbs in this episode have many applications, and not necessarily stocking up for Ebola. Instead, they part of a well-rounded approach to Herbal Preparedness. For more information on Ebola, please see my in-depth article on Ebola here.
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