KISS First Aid- Basic first aid kit pt 2

KISS First Aid- Basic first aid kit pt 2

August 31, 2014 First Aid Herbs Medicine Preppers Remedies 0

KISS First Aid- Adding on to the basic first aid kit
Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

KISS Herbal Prepper Live150In the previous episode of Herbal Prepper Live, we looked at how to build an herbal first aid kit that would address a wide range of issues, the the least amount of items. This kit employed the KISS design principal (Keep It Simple, Stupid), to make this a highly accessible kit to put together, even for a newbie herbalism. This week, we’re going to build upon that foundation with some add-on formulas for common conditions.

In the original KISS herbal first aid kit we discussed, there were ten components. In this episode, we improve this kit by adding in eight new elements, as well as splitting one of the original elements into two. The new formulas include tinctures and salves for the following circumstances:

  • KISS Preparations2An analgesic (pain reliever) for moderate to intense pain
  • An “all-purpose” antibiotic tincture
  • Urinary/Kidney infection tincture
  • An “all-purpose” antiviral tincture
  • Asthma-calming tincture & tea
  • Anti-protozoan tincture
  • Anti-fungal salve
  • Sprains, bumps, and bruises salve
  • Drawing salve
  • DIY Rehydration salts

This could be further expanded to address prenatal and emergency labor needs, or if you live in an area prone to Lyme disease, you might want an add-on kit to protect against ticks. Another option, which will be discussed next week, is an essential oil kit.

The myriad of choices for an herbal first aid kit can be as much of a deterrent to creating one as it is a benefit. The goal of these episodes is to simplify the process, providing a kit that is easy to assemble, easy to use, and easy to build upon. Be sure to tune in and listen live to this episode of Herbal Prepper Live, airing Sunday, August 31, 2014 at 7pm EST on
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