Get outside! Get Prepared!

Get outside! Get Prepared!

August 29, 2014 I Am Liberty Preppers 1

Get outside! Get Prepared
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

outside Fishing 600I can tell you this much. There is no substitute anywhere on the internet for getting out and doing things. Moreover there is no better place to do “prepper” stuff, or whatever the media call it this week, than the great outdoors. There is also nothing better for you than removing yourself from the couch and taking the family deep into a poplar forest near you.

Tonight I would like to discuss the overlooked opportunities within your local wooded area. There are benefits for the whole family that can all relate to those nasty situations we talk about on this show every week.

outside Camping FamilyIts my belief that America would be a much better place if people got off the computers, stopped reading memes and drove out to a national park somewhere and enjoyed everything there was to enjoy it would be a much better place. I talk about balance a lot on the show and among the trees is one of the best places to find balance on the planet.

Lets get down to the nitty gritty. Your scared, right? Something has brought you here, to this show. Its not just my voice and humor. You want to learn how to be more self reliant, how to shoot, how to fight and how to survive the worst this world could drum up. Am I right. It all can be learned in the woods.

I remember about 6 years ago now I was walking a paved park with sparse trees with my in laws and my wife. My mother in law was looking up at a tree and squinting hard. “Is that a walnut tree?” she said and went on, “Nah, it looks like a big oak tree.” I remember saying in my head WHO THE HELL CARES IT’S A TREE! It took me 3 more years to understand just how crazy it is to walk around the planet surrounded by things you know nothing about. There are tropical fruits growing in my back yard and a hazelnut bush I almost chopped down 2 times ignorant to its existence.

What am I getting at? Its Labor Day weekend. Give the beach a rest and get to know the world a bit. You might learn something. Live on I AM Liberty.
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