Invasion America!

Invasion America!

July 10, 2014 Apocalypse Nana Mind Set Preppers Survival Tips 2

 Invasion America
Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana

Invasion red-dawn-remakeWe boast as Americans we live in the greatest country in the world. Yet, we as any other country are not immune to being invaded or attacked. History shows this, from the Revolutionary War to September 11. That’s just America. Many countries have experienced attacks on their soil. But, what if our homeland is not only attacked, but it is a full scale invasion.

Another country has come to claim our land as their own. Whether it be air strikes, paratroopers dropping from the sky, biological or nuclear weapons, or technological strikes. It can happen. What do we do? What do you do as a citizen? Can we prepare, survive and triumph.

 Invasion AmericaThis week on Apocalypse Nana we exam invasion from foreign sources and how it can lead to the end of humanity and civilization as we know it.

And as a special treat, the giveaway in chat is a three movie DVD featuring Apocalypse Nana’s favorite, “Where Have All the People Gone?

Our informative and fun discussion can go anywhere with the contradictory guests this week. Stop in at chat, call our line and hold on to your seat for a ‘glimpse into the apocalypse’ ride you won’t forget.

We have completely opposite guests this week on Invasion America , you don’t want to miss.

Invasion ElK2This week on Apocalypse Nana, we’re excited to have, Author Eloise Knapp (Pulse), young in body but old in spirit and knowledge. She is a brilliant woman and talented. Someone you want to have handy should it all come tumbling down. Eloise had this to say about survival, “I’ve been taught the value of preparedness and food storage since I was a young child and have taken that knowledge and interest with me into adulthood. I prepare as much as I can knowing that if something ever happened, no one is coming to save me except me. While you won’t find a buried shipping container by my house (that would be amazing and maybe some day) I focus on having plenty of food storage, water, weapons, and bug out and bug in plans.”

InvasionEloise J. Knapp lives in Washington State and never complains about the rain. In fact, she laughs at anyone who does. She is a Seattle University graduate with a bachelor’s in graphic design with a minor in creative writing. Knapp enjoys shooting, archery, and hot yoga. She is a devoted movie and TV show watcher.

While Eloise has written epidemic, few of us in the literary world lived in fear of it. Author R.W. Clinger is going to stop by and share his harrowing experience dealing with a pathogen and fearing he would be yet, another Ebola statistic.

InvasionWhile he experienced what many of us hope to never face, RW is hysterically funny and has his own quirky outlook on Survival. When asked, he replied, “I have a list of five things. 1. Run and scream like a girl. 2. Cannibalism is the newest sexy trend. 3. Gays love to fire guns, among playing with other high-powered weapons (wink).4. Bathing is over-rated; we need to be more European, anyway. 5. Being an end-of-the-world party planner is the best career.”

RW is a well known and Best Selling Author from Pittsburgh. His writing entails gay human studies. Rob has published many stories with Starbooks Press as well as a gay mystery, Cutie Pie Must Die, which is published with Bold Stroke Books. The Boyfriend Season, his first book of short stories, is published with JMS Books, as well as the novellas The Author’s Assistant, and Nebraska Close. He has also written a gay cowboy series set in Tulsa, Oklahoma called Stockton County Cowboys ( by JMS Books. Rob enjoys coffee, cats, and surviving zombies. He is currently at work on a new gay mystery. You can find him at RWCLINGER.COM or JMSBO

InvasionAnd also … An invasion can bring many injuries, stopping by to share some tips on dealing with various injuries and illness is author and nurse, Shana Fiesta. Shana is a registered nurse with clinical experience in mental health, geriatrics, HIV and substance abuse. In addition to her clinical background, Shana possesses over 15 years of experience with project management and data analytics. Introducing her own zompoc addition to the genre, Shana’s debut novel, Time of Death: Induction, is the first in a planned series. You can find her at

Don’t forget to tune in this week, because it surely will be a show to remember.

Have a great idea for a survival question for our guests? Join us for chat, call in or submit your question ahead of time to
Visit Jacqueline website HERE!

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