Prepping for the bugout!

Prepping for the bugout!

July 1, 2014 Preppers 1

Escape and Evasion Part 1 – Prepping for the bugout:
Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path

bugoutMany people use the term “bugging out” but haven’t really thought through the full process. Prepping to bug out means far more than just packing a backpack, throwing it on your back and heading out the door.

Join Sam Coffman as he steps through all of the processes you should be thinking about before you actually bug out. Here are some of the questions he will address:

  • What security procedures do you have in place to protect your home in order that you can scale your response correctly?
  • are your bugout triggers? At what point do you make that decision to leave?
  • What is the differences between a bugout bag, a get home bag and an INCH (I’m never coming home) bag?
  • How much weight can you carry?
  • How do you defend your home in a way that leaves you bugout options?
  • Should you booby trap your house to defend it?
  • How do you bug out in a car or a caravan of cars? How do you pack a car correctly? How do you pack multiple cars correctly and what role does each car in a caravan have?
  • Where are you going and how do you map your way out of your neighborhood and along the safest routes of travel on foot, bicycle, car or motorcycle?
  • What are your options for commo (communications)?
  • What are some good firearms options?

Sam will step through a most or all of this material in part 1. Join him as he helps you create your own bugout plan that makes sense and can be applied in a variety of situations. Next week (part 2) will cover the issues that you face while actually on the road, bugging out between your departure location and your destination
Sam Coffman Website:

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One Response

  1. Nathaniel says:

    Really appreciate your thoughtful and thorough approach to this stuff. Thank you!

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