Re-root USA!
Re-root USA!
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty”
When there is as much corruption in the air that its nearly palpable I often breakdown. When we have no idea what our country will look like in 20 years or how our children will make a living it always helps me to go back to the basics. That to me means looking around at my community and realizing the possibilities within communities around the world.
Tonight we are going over the movement to Re-root America. This is the path towards a better country in my opinion. It doesn’t involve government, it doesn’t involve legislation, it doesn’t involve party afflation and it most certainly doesn’t involve pop culture. It’s about hard work and the assistance of your neighbors. It’s about first getting to know your neighbors.
It’s a very uncomfortable thing in the beginning but the rewards that come once you begin to have a cohesive community that is pushing towards the same goals its incredibly rewarding. b
This is the only answer I have folks. I mean, I don’t really think we can vote our way out of the trouble we are in. No way. We simply have to become self reliant and respect the threats that are out there. The Re-root movement is about mentoring youth, creating food, assessing skills, taking advantage renewable energies and doing so through the veins of your community. The best part is you can start small and grow from there.
This all could be yours for the low introductory price of NOTHING. Just get to know I AM Liberty. This is what we are all about. Life is better when you have people to share it with. No man is an island and you will pay if you prepare to the contrary. Maybe not with your life but your soul, your conscience. Re-root with us.
Visit I Am Liberty website HERE!
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