Art and Science of Plant Medicine

Art and Science of Plant Medicine

June 24, 2014 Herbs Medicine Plants Remedies The Human Path 0

The Art and Science of Plant Medicine – a discussion with herbalist Lisa Ganora
Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path

Plant Medicine CSCH_Logo_Final_Color_Boulder5This week, Sam Coffman pulls out and dusts off an old podcast from several years ago. He interviews Lisa Ganora, who has taken over the ownership and direction of the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism in Boulder Colorado. Lisa also wrote a fantastic book about the constituents of plants. Lisa was raised with family members teaching her folk medicine, and originally did not have much of a desire to care about the more western, scientific approaches to botany and plant medicine. However, she eventually received degrees in botany and chemistry, and came back around to look at herbalism from the other side. In this regard, she offers a very balanced look at plant medicine that both incorporates the vitalistic connection between human beings and plants, as well as the scientific approach that focuses on the actual mechanisms of the plant world and how they interact with the mechanisms of our own body.

Plant MedicineSam and Lisa not only discuss these aspects of plant medicine, but also the philosophical differences between these two approaches. They delve into some of the socio-political influences on the world of medicine and how those have helped and hurt the world of health care.

This podcast took place several years ago, near the start of Lisa Ganora taking over ownership of the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism, from Paul Bergner (who founded it). Since that time, Lisa has done wonderful things with the school, and it has continued to grow in its own unique directions.

Join Sam and Lisa as they discuss many of the most relevant topics about herbalism, the science around plant medicine, how plant medicine works and affects our own health both individually as well as our society and our concepts of health care.
Related books on plant medicine HERE!
Sam Coffman Website:

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