Turning Dreams to Realities!

Turning Dreams to Realities!

March 2, 2014 Interview Preppers Shows The Other Side...A Preppers Path We Grow Ours 0

Turning Dreams to Realities-
Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path

DreamsIt’s a nightmare in the making and far from the ole American dream. Who hasn’t looked around and begun to wonder about the economic future and possible impacts of a continually slowing and possible collapse of our economic world. Food prices, once fairly constant with a reliable supply are now on a consistent rise with questions of supply of healthy foodstuffs a common occurrence. A single person or the head of a household how will you protect yourself, family or friends from mounting prices and unhealthy food created in a lab. The answer Grow your own! Sounds simple enough on the surface but soon all sorts of questions crop Dreamsup. The pristine view of a voluptuous garden along with a supply of humanely and drug free meat supply seem but a dream. Particularly since you live in an urban setting, or are governed by a Homeowners Association or maybe you are on a little acreage but have no experience. Becoming self- sufficient and independent again seem dreams in the clouds. Earth to the people it all may seem like dreams but the facts are it’s all doable pretty much wherever you are. Two dreamers now living the reality of those dreams will join the Other Side of a Preppers Path Sunday and reveal how those dreams of independence, sustainable living and self-sufficiency became reality.

We Grow Ours studio1 (1)The hosts of WeGrowOurs podcast as well as entrepreneurs of Hostile Hare and Eco Pod Gardens, Nick and Don join The Other Side to share their dream and how it has become reality. They will be on hand to answer your question on how to get started and more. You find how they have expanded their dream to include you through teaching and sharing. You know you’ve been dreaming and hoping, grab the gold ring and learn how to create your reality of plentiful fresh food and independence.

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