Well-Appointed Prepper Homestead

Well-Appointed Prepper Homestead

February 13, 2014 Homesteading Mind Set Planning Prepper Mentality Preppers The Homestead Honey Hour 3

Well-Appointed Prepper Homestead
Host: Renee “The Homestead Honey Hour

What you need . . . . as well as what’s just nice to have

HomesteadThe line between homesteading and prepping can be a blurry one. As a matter of course, prepping often leads to homesteading. After all, being able to provide for yourself and your family on a sustainable, renewable level moves a person ever closer to independence and self-reliance – the ultimate prepping! To this end, it’s important to have both a knowledge base and various skill sets. But just as important to success or failure on the homestead are the tools one has at their disposal. Some “stuff” is absolutely necessary. Other equipment, while making tasks more manageable and your life a whole lot easier, aren’t really necessary and can be purchased later on, as finances permit.

HomesteadMy husband and I have been on our present 10 acres for over 20 years. We currently keep a small flock of laying hens, meat rabbits, dairy goats, a breeding pair of pigs, a breeding trio of turkeys, and three riding horses. We also have some fruit trees and usually plant a large garden. We heat with wood primarily and I can and dehydrate as much as possible for our “extended pantry”. Over the years, we’ve discovered things we never want to be without. We’ve also spent good money on tools and equipment that really weren’t as needed, used, or necessary as we thought. Ahem. Live and learn as they say . . .

HomesteadSo, let’s spend an evening talking about what it takes to equip a homestead, from the farm kitchen to the garden to the barn. Some of the “must haves” might surprise you, as well as items that get relegated the nice-to-have category. Listeners are invited to call in with what prepping or homesteading items they wouldn’t be without. Let’s compare notes, share opinions, and help each other out in creating a good list of what it takes to create the well-appointed prepper homestead.
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