The Urban Medic Part 2 – Medicinal Herbs

The Urban Medic Part 2 – Medicinal Herbs

February 11, 2014 Foraging Herbs Medicine Plants The Human Path Treatment 0

The Urban Medic Part 2 – Medicinal Herbs
Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path”

Urban MedicLast week, Sam Coffman talked about the “urban medic,” or ways of dealing with injury and illness in an urban environment using wilderness and herbal medicine skills. Sam discussed the details of setting up a neighborhood clinic as well as considerations of being a mobile medic in an urban area that is experiencing unrest, protests or mob violence.

Urban MedicThis week on The Human Path Sam will discuss the specific herbs and other first aid gear that you should consider having or carrying in this kind of a situation. He will discuss several medicinal plants that grow throughout urban areas in North America, how to identify, prepare and use those plants for major and minor acute and chronic conditions (to include trauma). Sam will also discuss some of the issues to be considered in regards to the safety and effectiveness of “weedcrafting” (harvesting wild medicinal plants) in city areas. This podcast is all about the herbs, and by the time it is over you will have learned several new medicinal plants and how to use them properly.

Urban MedicSam Coffman talks about the skills and philosophy behind disaster preparedness and prepping for SHTF situations. He brings to light his many experiences as a former Green Beret as well as his observations after more than two decades of teaching people how to survive not only through skills, but through putting them into stressful situations that are both scenarios at his survival school as well as real-life situations in remote areas of the world. He interviews other experts and discusses by himself, a myriad of topics and skills to include tactics, primitive skills, urban survival and prepping, blacksmithing and knifemaking, guns and self-defense, plant medicine (herbalism), wilderness medicine and first aid, tracking and naturalist studies, sustainable agriculture, aquaponics, alternate power, communications and amateur radio and much more. Tune in every Tuesday to listen and learn.
Sam Coffman Website:

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