Mass Shootings and Medications!

Mass Shootings and Medications!

January 30, 2014 Abuse I Am Liberty Medicine Preppers 0

Mass Shootings and Medications, A deeper look!
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty”

Mass ShootingsIf you remember a few weeks ago I did a show on preparing our children for school. It was really about understanding how schools have changed and the dangers therein. The show prep was interesting and really has kept my attention over the last few weeks. I am not the man to discover it but there is a definite link to mass shootings and psychoactive drugs.

I hear many excuses and don’t get me wrong I would be foolish to believe that these drugs were the only culprits in these horrific events. What I would venture to say is, in my opinion they are the catalyst that is turning a bullied, troubled youth into a murderer of themselves or others or both.

Mass ShootingsViolent video games, violent movies and of course evil guns have all been at the forefront of your daily news but I have not heard a peep about these drugs. Though they are quick to jump at the news of another mass shooting, I have not seen a professional come on the air of one of these major TV broadcasters and give their opinion about antidepressants and their roll in this epidemic.

Mass ShootingsOn this episode of “I Am Liberty” We are going to have Christian Sawyer on to speak his opinion on the matter. He is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who worked as a school counselor. He currently works with individuals ranging from children to mid-adulthood with various psychological and behavioral problems. Self admitted, he is not an expert on psych-meds but did have to study them.

I was a wash in violent movies, music, and video games growing up so I have to believe there is more to this. I was bullied and heckled sometimes as were the rest of my friends. We never went to such lengths. This show will be about exploring, what appears to me, to be the common denominator within these cases.
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