Assessment 2014 SHTF

Assessment 2014 SHTF

December 20, 2013 Community Involvment I Am Liberty Mind Set Preppers 0

Assessment 2014 SHTF 
Host: James “I Am Liberty”

AssessmentHere at I AM Liberty we really appreciate setting goals for each year. It was this mindset that actually created the Reroot USA movement. I grew tired of not fixing problems and just whining about them. It was then as 2012 came to a close and we all survived the MAYAN calendar that the decision to move into solutions came about.

It was in the creation of Reroot USA that I started to appreciate a fresh, New Year and the possibilities therein. For the I AM Liberty Faithful you all know I am expecting a look at first steps in the community in 2014. I want to hear from you and how you are engaging or developing the network in your own communities.

AssessmentThe idea behind the 2014 SHTF assessment is a very short 20 question list that will give you an idea of where you stand and more importantly what you can focus on improving in the New Year. There will be much more than simply how much food, water and bullets do you have…and gas masks. The questions will touch on several categories including food and water, security, fitness, evacuation and community.

This is an assessment is naturally not the end all be all. I think it is, however, something that will keep you honest. I think you will enjoy it and more importantly, I hope it will be useful. I am sure it will bring up great conversation as well as relevant concern and easily identifiable areas for improvement. Check it out at

Along with our 2014 SHTF assessment we will also discuss the news and topics of the day. Not to exclude all of the wild topics that pops up in my mind throughout the show. Did you see the Adrian Broner fight? Just one example. So don’t miss the latest episode of I AM Liberty
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