State of Michigan vs “Bakers Green Acres”

State of Michigan vs “Bakers Green Acres”

December 19, 2013 Animals Government Hogs Liberty News Preppers Rights The Homestead Honey Hour 0

State of  Michigan vs “Bakers Green Acres”
Host: Renee “The Homestead Honey Hour”

State of Michigan vs "Bakers Green Acres"Back in March, I interviewed Mark Baker of Baker’s Green Acres here on the Homestead Honey Hour. Mark is a retired air force veteran, now sustainably farming in northern Michigan State along with his wife and 8 children. If you missed that show, Mark and his family were and still are involved in a legal briefs for their right to farm, specifically to continue their pasture-raised hog operation. Using an incredibly ambiguously-written Invasive Species Order or ISO, (which, by description basically outlaws ANY pig), the Michigan DNR went after Mark’s main livestock: His heritage breed Mangalista hogs.

State of Michigan vs "Bakers Green Acres"With his very livelihood on the line, Mark filed suit against the State. In July, Mark had his hearing, but Bakers green acres is STILL waiting for their day in court as the opposition does everything in their power to keep this case from going to court. Meanwhile, the fines continue to accrue (now in excess of a million dollars) against Bakers green acres. Also, the harassment of Mark, his family and farm also continues. The people of the State of Michigan are having their hard-earned tax dollars ill-spent as our state government, with Attorney General Bill Schutte at the the helm, keeps this witch hunt going against the small, family farm using their minions at the DNR.

State of Michigan vs "Bakers Green Acres"Now, is this just an issue within Michigan? Today it is. But not in the big picture. Tomorrow, it may be YOUR state dictating to you where and how your food is raised as well as where and how YOU can raise your own food. What is happening to Mark and Bakers green acres is a precedent-setting case which warrants our collective attention, concern, and help folks. As an aside, the Michigan Pork Producers have publically supported the DNR’s position and efforts in this matter. Think about that.

Tune in this Thursday, December 19th, on the Homestead Honey Hour as Mark updates and educates us on what is going on and what we can do to help stop this abuse of power.
Listen to previous show HERE!
MichiganSnowPony YouTube channel: Go Here!

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