Stocking Up – A basic of Preparedness

Stocking Up – A basic of Preparedness

December 15, 2013 Canning Skills storing The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Stocking Up – A basic of Preparedness
Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path”

StockingStocking up. Stocking up! Or Stocking Up? Punctuation changes intent for sure, are we making a statement we are doing something stocking up, or exclaiming we’ve got our stocking up! Or asking if we are stocking up? It’s a broad term and a good question which planted the seed for a short series of episodes on the Other Side of a Preppers Path. These two little words are in fact a basis for a lifestyle of preparedness. “How so you may ask?” A question the Other Side of a Preppers Path intends to answer in a series of episodes all about Stocking Up and the Preparedness Lifestyle. The Lifestyle that creates Peace, Power and ultimately Joy. Sunday December 15th we begin the trek along this path at the beginning, we will talk about how you begin and the different side roads stocking up takes.. For instance do we need to stock up? Shouldn’t we take stock first? What do we stock up on? Just a few of the broad spectrum of things “Stocking Up”encompasses.

StockingLiving a prepared life isn’t an accident; it’s a plan, a conscious design of intent, flexibility and implementation. Stocking up is living prepared and covers nearly every facet of this lifestyle. Many people think only about the cupboard shelves when hearing the phrase but in fact there is so much more. This Sunday we will be taking stock in other words, let’s see where we are right now on our path. Knowing where we are and where we want to go really is a huge part of beginning any endeavor.

StockingEpisodes will include those cupboard shelves full of groceries for sure as well as a frank talk about canning, meat preservation, and how to skills. The sky is the limit when it comes to stocking up, don’t forget about You, and filling your emotional and spiritual selves, stocking up on what brings you joy. It is in fact the season of peace, goodwill and joy. Take a step this season, fill your stocking with a Life of Preparedness, peace, power and joy.!

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