Month: November 2013

Fishing. It’s about the details.

Fishing. It’s about the details. Host: James “I Am Liberty There are few things in life that I do as often as get out and fish. Its my therapy and my time to ponder this twisted direction we are headed. I am a catch and release fisherman so the connection between fishing and food is simply…
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November 7, 2013 0

News 11/6/2013 with Goat Hollow!

The Surreal News 11/6/2013 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 11/6/2013 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 11/6/2013 hearkens back to the reporting…
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November 6, 2013 0

Canyon Dwellers on “They Were Preppers”

The Canyon Dwellers on “They Were Preppers” By: Robert C. Euler Host: Doug “GoatHollow” That the Grand Canyon is one of the most significant geological records on the face of the earth has been recognized for well over a century. What has not generally been realized is that its spectacular depths also document an intriguing…
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November 6, 2013 0

Herbal Antibiotics, Post-Disaster

Herbal Antibiotics for a Post-Disaster Environment Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” Bacterial infections are some of the most difficult of infections to deal with, especially in a remote or post-disaster situation. Aside from the continual evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria, unless you are a trained medical professional you may not even have access to…
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November 5, 2013 0

Pioneering Today!

Pioneering Today author Melissa Norris! Host: Tara Dodrill “Common Sense Prepping” Common Sense Prepping radio show guest this week is homesteading expert and author Melissa K. Norris. Melissa’s bestselling book, Pioneering Today, is a must read for anyone seeking to live a more self-reliant lifestyle. The Christian mom from the Cascade Mountains believes very strongly…
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November 4, 2013 3

Preppers Winterize!

Preppers Winterize! Host: Lynna “A Preppers Path” To coin an old soap opera as the world turns so do the days of our lives. Winterization, a dirty word too many particularly at this time of year rears its head as a new page on the calendar ushers in change. The colorful calendar hanging on the…
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November 3, 2013 0

American Blackout!

Do to Internet failures this episode was cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Staff: Prepper Broadcasting American Blackout Host: Dean “The Prepared Canadian” It’s a very rare occasion when I can actually do a whole podcast dedicated to a television show. However, if anyone could give…
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November 2, 2013 0

Have we’ve been brain washed?

Have we’ve been brain washed? Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box” Lets take a look out of the normal conversations that most American’s have today. Do you believe in today’s world with all the medications and programming that we’ve gotten from school, Hollywood and government? We could have been brain washed without even knowing it…
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November 1, 2013 0