At My Fathers Knee, Holidays Then and Now

At My Fathers Knee, Holidays Then and Now

November 24, 2013 Family Preppers The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

At My Fathers Knee – Holidays Then and Now
Host: Lynna “The Other side… A Preppers Path”

FathersThe frost is on the pumpkins, within the week Americans across the country pause to give thanks and in many homes share a family dinner. As the old song says ‘Across the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go…. ‘ We won’t exactly be heading to Grandmothers house , however The Other Side will be taking a trek back into the days of yester year as Lynna launches a new show segment to be featured each month aptly named “At my Fathers Knee.”

Living a prepared life and learning to do so has opened the eyes and minds of many to the way things were, prior to the industrial revolution spreading across the land, changing the way we do most everything. The advent of the steam engine and electricity opened the flood gates of technology and with it a host of contraptions to easy the burdens of mankind engulfed society. A little something we call Progress, convenience, efficiency, abundance, ease and creating more with less. Each passing decade beginning in the mid to late 1800’s has taken the masses further and further away from hand and home production to machine and factory.

The industrial revolution and the harnessing of electricity effectively changed everything in many ways for the better but at a price. Today we see the vulnerability created. Preppers across the world see and feel the chains of dependency restricting people through the wholesale adoption of technology, electricity and government. Understanding the vulnerabilities and how to cope with each is what preparedness is all about. How many can truly function when the lights go out, the grocery shelves are bare, and there is no money.

Join Lynna and Clint, better known as Dad, as they traverse the times of yester year when electricity wasn’t the norm, when hand and home provided the necessities. Born in the 1920’s Clint has the unique perspective of having literally been there and done that. At My Fathers Knee will be an open conversation monthly on the topic of life then and now. This week we will be talking about the holidays, what they meant, how they were celebrated and what we can learn from the past to enrich and protect ourselves and our communities.

For live broadcast of At My Fathers Knee – Holidays Then and Now go to Listen and Chat Sunday 9:00pm/Est. 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt.

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