Health Care Solutions / Herbal Medicine!

Health Care Solutions / Herbal Medicine!

October 6, 2013 Medicine Plants Remedies Survival Tips The Human Path The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Health Care Solutions / Herbal Medicine! 
Host: A Preppers Path
HealthHealth care is on the minds of many particularly this week with the Obamacare Health Exchanges going on line Tuesday morning. A controversial plan at best, our Nation has embarked on a new course for health care and the people. Notice I didn’t say its people, somewhere along the way our government became turned around changed course and rather than implementing the will of the people as in “for the people”, it controls the people for its benefit. Health care is but an outgrowth of this turn around. The primary question now, what can I do personally about me and mine, a big question for sure affecting every aspect of life with no easy fix or answer. Taking on the issue of health care The Other Side of a Preppers Path meets The Human Path creating a junction a, connection sharing what you can do. When it comes down to it personal responsibility for our health is the key. The practice of medicine and its subsidiaries such as the pharmaceutical industry have become convoluted and increasingly out of reach for the average person whether you have health care insurance or not. So what do we do about our health, we take charge.

HealthSam Coffman founder of The Human Path , an experience and educated man in all venues of survival dedicates himself to the sharing of skills and knowledge enabling each to be the best he/she can be. Sam’s path to The Human Path began as a youngster exploring and learning survival skills spending summers in isolated self-supporting wilderness camps due to his father’s job as a field geologist. Sam continued adding to his skill base with 25 years of martial arts training and 10 years of military experience as a U.S. Special Forces Medic, an interrogator and a linguist. He furthered his skill base studying botany and bioregional medicine both privately and at several outdoor schools in Colorado. Sam is well qualified to discuss the merits of personal health and medicine.

HealthThe uncertainty of our future begs action, what can we do to ensure our personal health in these times. Sam and Lynna answer the questions, discussing the topic of herbal medicine (peoples medicine) going beyond the basics into combat medic levels, all available without an appointment or prescription. An expert in herbal first aid extending into the class of herbal medic Sam will show you the path to personal health relieving dependency on our current now government controlled medical field. Start or continue your path to self-sufficiency in the fields of health by joining The Other Side of a Preppers Path and visit directly with a man with the keys to unlock your personal survival.
Visit Sam Coffman Website:

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