Standing Up Against NDAA!

Standing Up Against NDAA!

September 27, 2013 freedom Government I Am Liberty Politics Rights 0

ndaaStanding up against NDAA: There are so many things that have happened in this country in the last decade that it is hard to keep up with the atrocities. On this broadcast we are going to focus on one in particular.

If you remember about 2 years ago now when you were stumbling drunk and kissing all the ugly girls at your New Year’s Eve party 2011. The most peaceful president in the history of our nation, a veritable Gandhi, was signing into law The Indefinite Detention Clause, $88.5 million for “ongoing wars” and a bouquet of other foul policies. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012 is a United States federal law. We often worry about the beasts that we think are coming this is a beast sitting on our couch with us every night.

ndaaOn This broadcast of I Am Liberty we have a great guest for our topic, Dan Johnson of PANDA . The young man who started the fight against this insane bill and with some hard work has garnered great successes. A young man you should hear about much more often. Unfortunately the America isn’t turned on by the possibility of indefinite detention rather they would concern themselves with how much MDMA their favorite pop star can snort before disrobing and making a music video.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a true expert on the topic. If you are interested you could make this cause part of your Initial Contact before 2014. Either way you have an excellent opportunity to chat with a true American who is fighting for all of us. Don’t miss it tonight on I Am Liberty

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