Herbal Medicine, First Aid to Save Your Life!

Herbal Medicine, First Aid to Save Your Life!

September 18, 2013 Disaster Herbs Medicine Plants Remedies Survival Tips The Human Path 1

Sam Coffman herbal medicineHerbal medicine is a must know in first aid in saving a life. There have been some major natural disasters this year so far, from the California fires to the very recent (and current) flooding in Colorado. I am originally from Colorado and over two decades ago I lived in two of the canyons that flooded and were evacuated this past week. Many of the mountain towns are stranded right now with Colorado Flooding herbal medicineno supplies coming in and no vehicle routes out. People are in self-sustainability mode that live in those towns. The good news is that most folks living in the mountain towns along the front range (at least when I used to live in those areas myself) are usually pretty well prepared. How would you fare if it were you (and maybe it is you) – especially if you or someone close to you became injured, which is a common occurrence in a major disaster? FOLLOW THE LINK TO LISTEN TO THIS SHOW AND READ MORE!

On this upcoming episode of (The Human Path), I want to talk about first aid and herbal medicine (herbalism) in emergency situations. Through my background in as a Special Forces medic as well as time spent working primarily with herbal medicine in remote areas, I have learned to whittle down a lot of the “white noise” herbalism to what really works in the field. The same is true of first aid.

What are the most statistically relevant medical skills you need to know how to perform?

Herbal Medic herbal medicineIn addition to the 600+ class hour herbalism curriculum at my school (The Human Path), I also teach Wilderness First Aid: 8 hour, 16-hour, 32-hour and an 80-hour Wilderness Herbal First Responder course. Because we don’t have a lot of time to learn these essential skills in classes like these, I have to constantly be pushing the envelope to give students the maximum amount of highly useful material and make sure they remember it.

Also, I’ll be talking about the good, the bad and the ugly of post-disaster first aid and herbal medicine. There is a lot of misinformation on the web, in books, videos and podcasts when it comes to herbal medicine as a post-disaster alternative, and I’d like to take the time to also talk about the good sources of information that are reliable from clinical and field experience rather than “copy-paste” books about plant medicine that are so prevalent in today’s market of making a buck from popular buzzwords. I’ll talk about what some of the red flags are when you are buying a book about both emergency first aid and herbal medicine. What to avoid and what to look for as the most useful sources of information for your own medical well-being.

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Blog:  http://blog.mysanantonio.com/samcoffman/


One Response

  1. […] I like to say, “Treat every wound AS IF it were a life threatening one.” ASIF is a mnemonic to help you remember some basic laceration treatment: […]

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