Americans and National Preparedness Month!

Americans and National Preparedness Month!

September 8, 2013 Community Involvment The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

National Preparedness MonthTen years ago the month of September became nationally known for something more than the harbinger of autumn when National Preparedness Month was launched. The effort to enlighten and educate citizens to the vital role each play in surviving disaster birthed National Preparedness Month. Events are being held all over the country during the month as well as on line to encourage and prepare our local communities. Recent environmental and natural disasters such hurricane, tsunami, tornado, flood and wildfire just this year have roared in  devastating many areas proving an uninformed populace is at an even greater risk.  In tribute and as our special event honoring the month, The Other Side of a Preppers Path invites you to attend the 3rd annual Knights of the Prepper Round Table.

disasters backgroundThe Knights this year are a varied group with expertise in all areas of being prepared including Bexar Prepper, Sam Coffman of the Human Path, Janet of It’s a Disaster, Charley & Courtney from, The Survivalist Gardner Rick Austin and Richard Duarte urban preparedness master. Each of our Knights is a pioneer of sorts in the industry of preparedness with their primary focus assisting others in recognizing the need and implementing the tools to thrive.  Join the show Sunday September 8th hear from the experts, and most importantly ask the questions you need answered. The table is open so come and lay it out.  Let our Knights assist you in your personal quest of preparedness creating Power and Peace through preparation. Our knights include wilderness expert, bee-keeper, authors, gardeners and more.

Listen to this show on National Preparedness Month in player below!

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