Throwing in the towel … It’s not an Option

Throwing in the towel … It’s not an Option

August 18, 2013 Mind Set Prepper Mentality The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Giving up600x600Peace and Power, two terms not always associated together yet intrinsically one in life when paired with the 3rd P. That 3′rd P, Prepared and when life is lived in a prepared way Peace and Power are achieved and we Thrive.  Today on the Other Side of A Preppers Path our journey on the highway of life takes us down what some might call a side road.  We all go through ups and downs in life and it is normal to feel down in response to disappointment, loss, bad news, frustration, chemical changes in our bodies, weather changes or even something we can’t quite put our finger on. But that is temporary and sooner than later we come out of it naturally. BUT what if we don’t, we feel depressed, sad, unhappy or as if there is no hope.  What then? Join Lynna tonight as she looks at what seems to be a pervasive state in our culture today DEPRESSION it’s effects and affects o the Ultimate Prep, YOU.  Learn ips to leave depression in the dust on your road of prepared living.
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