Incredible possibilities and options a windmill can create!

Incredible possibilities and options a windmill can create!

August 4, 2013 Electricity Energy Alternatives Power The Other Side...A Preppers Path water collection and storage Windmill 0

88px-Twinwind90px-Pitstone-windmill_600pxTilting at windmills or the act of committing something useless. This Sunday The Other Side of A Preppers Path isn’t tilting at windmills but rather nodding in agreement with them. Join Lynna as she explores the world of the windmill, it’s history, uses and what it can mean for those wanting to have as self sufficient and sustaining a life as possible. The windmill often thought of as a relic from the past and an object for photographs is much more. From ancient Persia to today’s wind farms full of wind generators the windmill is alive and well. Tune in and learn about the incredible possibilities and options a windmill can create for you and your road to self reliance and sufficiency.
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