Take care of number 1

Take care of number 1

June 14, 2013 I Am Liberty Mental Aspects Mind Set Physical Aspects Prepper Mentality Training 0
I am liberty 125Hands down the most important prep and investment you can make is in yourself. I don’t care how much you know about wild edibles or bug out bags or opsec. If you ain’t around to use it than what good is it. Got a lot of neat gadgets? What about that incredible arsenal? None of its worth anything if the user is compromised
If your listening to this episode of I Am Liberty tonight chances are you are the cornerstone in your home for preparedness. So although you may think, ‘I can go a day or two without food or water,’ remember you are  the rock. The knowledge comes from you and maybe even the muscle too. Don’t compromise your entire family with a Man of Steel complex. You are mortal.
Tonight we will talk about things you can do. Preps. To take care of number 1. Its not to say you don’t love your family and are willing to make that ultimate sacrifice for them but where would it leave them. Things like breathing, relaxation and the violent release of aggression will help not only in the event of a disaster but also in daily life.
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