Lessons on home brew!

Lessons on home brew!

June 7, 2013 Preppers 0

I am liberty 1256/7/2013 on I Am Liberty James is off but his long time friend, beer connoisseur and partner in the movement to reroot America is here to join us.
Mike D will bring that same scatter brained style of topics to the show. You can bet a discussion on beer will be had maybe even a lesson on home-brew if your lucky. As well as its relevance to the prepped movement.
Mike also has some questions about Obamacare and what he believes the purpose and importance of healing the sick is in our society. Is it the responsibility of the people to heal the sick and if so what is the best way to do it. Sustainably.
Food, film and the importance of the reroot movement as well. Where are the kids, the families and the communities. How do we get them back. Along with the thoughts of a young husband/father making it work in America today.

The sound quality per hosts phone connection on this episode is not the greatest but is audible and some good information from the guest host!

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