Solar Storms, Flares, EMP what’s it all mean and why prepare?

Solar Storms, Flares, EMP what’s it all mean and why prepare?

May 19, 2013 Preppers 0

E.M.P.200x125Solar Storms, Flares, EMP what’s it all mean and what in the world does it have to do with being prepared? Most of us have heard all the terms, but how many have looked at what these events are? What impact do they have on mother earth on us individually? Last Sunday was host to not only Mother’s Day but we were treated to the Mother of Solar Flares for 2013 that is until Monday/Tuesday when even larger flares burst forth. NASA confirmed the flares and their intensity with E M P174x125video and news stories, but other than watching the cool video do you know what really happened and its impact. The third flare in 24 hours was registered as an X 3.2 surpassing the two x class flares before it. This is by far the highest level in all of 2013. X class are the most powerful solar storms known. Join Lynna and guest Tara Dodrill May 19th on The Other Side of a Preppers Path and actually get the facts, on what a flare is, what the intensity means and what these events can mean to you and yours. Sundays now surpassed storm affected radio transmissions for over an hour what else can we expect? Tune in for an eye opening show as special guest Tara shares her expertise about that fiery ball, its behavior and impact on Mother Earth .

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