Prepping with cause, unity, and special guest Steven Austakalnis from

Prepping with cause, unity, and special guest Steven Austakalnis from

March 15, 2013 Communication Community Involvment Groups I Am Liberty Prepper Mentality Preppers 0
I am liberty 125Tonight Friday 3/15  on I Am Liberty we are going to talk about Unity. Many radio shows, in getting a point across, tend to further divide our nation. Lets face it, there is nothing easier than being able to blame a certain collection of people for a nations problems. We are all to blame. So why separate our power by pointing fingers. Of course we will never all agree but that doesn’t mean we are to be at one anothers throats over every issue. The key to a great nation is a people with the fire to disagree while maintaining the ability to work side by side for freedom.
We are also going to welcome Steven Austakalnis from A man who has made it his business to keep a finger on the pulse of threats to our freedom. His mobile alert service is the best available and is used by many top tier intelligence agencies, as well as well known corporations and even branches of our military. We will be talking current events in and out of the country so don’t miss this guest. Come to the chat or call (646)-716-4008 to ask Steven about his service and whats happening in the world.
Prepping is nothing without a cause. This episode of I Am Liberty will be a great way to understand all the reasons why we are doing what we are doing. We will touch on our threats overseas and our threats right here at home. Just to give you an idea of where we are and why getting prepared is so important, I have been waiting three weeks to talk to Steven, three weeks because the man has been so engaged in his business. I don’t mean to scare you. I actually hate shows that prey on the fear of their listeners but this is reality and sometimes that is the most frightening.
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