The Premier episode of “I Am Liberty”

The Premier episode of “I Am Liberty”

March 8, 2013 Community Involvment Gardening I Am Liberty 0

I am liberty 125We are the authors of our own freedom. Tonight on I Am Liberty we are talking about how through self-reliance and community preparedness we can break our government dependency. Now, you may not be receiving any actual government aid but believe me we are all dependent on the government in some ways whether we realize it or not. Modified gas prices, subsidized food prices, all of it equates to more American debt.

Have you ever heard about the Liberty Gardens of the early 1900’s? During the first and Second World War there was a message coming from our government. It was a message that I think should be screaming out of every TV set. Uncle Sam wanted us to raise chickens he pushed us to grow vegetable gardens all over the country. You see Europe had a tough time producing enough food during the First World War We didn’t want to suffer the same fate so we acted.

So, the big question is how do we get there? How do push those who are so comfy with the status quo into reality. There are many answers but I Am Liberty is focused on four very specific answers. Prepping is about more than just freeze dried food, Crisco candles and ammo. We want to strengthen and prepare at a community level around the country. Through efforts of Community Gardening, Mentoring the youth, Co Op Business as well as bartering and time banking, we will talk briefly about each tonight.

Also we are going to talk about thickening. I was a chef and in the food business for many years. There are techniques I want you to learn that can benefit you on a prepping level and quality of survival. Thickening is one of them. Restorative broth is great but starch is what fills you. You know, texture and mouth feel really can make a meal. If you have the means turning that nice flavorful broth into a sauce or gravy can be easy and rewarding.

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