Incognito or camouflaged garden, sometimes known as the food forest garden!

Incognito or camouflaged garden, sometimes known as the food forest garden!

February 10, 2013 Gardening Plants The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Preppers Path2-10 250 x 375 web bannerPreppers Path2-10before and after cropA flourishing, pest & predator resistant garden blooms incognito right before prying eyes! Join Lynna on “The Other Side…A Preppers Path” as Rick Austin, The Survivalist Gardener, shares secrets of an incognito or camouflaged garden, sometimes known as the food forest garden. Tune in to learn the secrets of an abundant garden you plant once in a lifetime, provides food for 30 years and where pesticides and fertilizers do not exist. All this and the best perk of all no one knows the garden exists. It’s much more than a victory garden BUT a true VICTORY in PREPAREDNESS.

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