Goshen, reveals how to establish healthy, sustainable community, despite global disease and famine.

Goshen, reveals how to establish healthy, sustainable community, despite global disease and famine.

February 7, 2013 Community Involvment Media Survival The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

homestead honey 150What would you be willing to do to prove a point?  Would you be willing to take off your shoes, and go barefoot for as long as it takes to achieve your goal?

Dana Richardson and Sarah Zentz, probably best known for their work as a production team on the Back to Eden movie with Paul Gautschi, have teamed up again to create Goshen, a documentary film which explores communities in diverse regions of the world living with remarkable health and life-sustaining provisions. Goshen reveals how to establish healthy, sustainable communities which can survive, even thrive, despite global increases in disease and famine.

These two have decided, as a way to raise funds for the production of Goshen, to take off their shoes and go barefoot for the sake of donations, until they meet their goal of $12,000.

Join Katzcradu, when her guest, on The Homestead Honey Hour, will be these two movie makers extraordinaire.  They’ll discuss how the success of Back to Eden led them to make Goshen.

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