Doomsday prediction falls short Preppers stay the course!

Doomsday prediction falls short Preppers stay the course!

December 24, 2012 Books Disaster Media Mind Set Preppers The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Preppers Path 12-22preppers path 12-22-1It’s a Miracle!  It’s a Miracle!  Tis true the end of the year is drawing nigh, we totally dodged the bullet on Friday the 21st, and my prediction was upheld we are all still here. But what does that mean for the prepper world?  Do we stop, throw our hands up and sigh..geez not another Y2K?  Of course not, any prepper worth his/her salt knows that the world doesn’t have to physically end for a disaster to befall any of us at anytime.  And for that matter the benefits of a prepper life style are visible everyday in the lives we lead. Join Lynna as she reflects about the triumphs of the 2012 prepping year and the  opportunities that lie ahead in 2013.  And since it’s that magical eve of Christmas she has a special treat for all of you… a visit from that southern santa Ron Foster, author of the just released sequel to the Preppers Road March trilogy. Ron will be on hand to share his vast prepper and emergency knowledge as well as to give you a few teasers about the latest book, Fades the Light!  Take a well deserved breath put up your feet grab a hot toddy and tune into The Other Side of a Preppers Path Monday Dec 24th

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