Getting the most value out of your food storage and budget.

Getting the most value out of your food storage and budget.

December 3, 2012 Budget Food grocery Purchasing storing supplies The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

The holidays are upon us, old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard, and the cupboard was……….BARE? Yikes, not only would that be a tragedy during the holidays but a catastrophe during times of disaster. So what are you gonna do? The questions of food storage and value face us daily but never more prominently than during a disaster when there isn’t any to be found. The little piggy went to the market and it was bare don’t let your pantry meet the same fate. Tune in as the Survival Woman from shares with Lynna “The Other Side…A Preppers Path” how preppers can derive the most value out of their food storage and budget. The girls will cover all the bases such as bulk foods vs. freeze-dried, shelf life, cost, storage, convenience, and taste. Don’t be like old Mother Hubbard or the little piggy, tune in and learn how you can prepare your pantry and at a value.

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