Recycled materials, preppers recycling what we can!

Recycled materials, preppers recycling what we can!

October 11, 2012 Recycle Skills The Homestead Honey Hour Waste 0

Every day, as a society we throw away TONS of garbage. Almost everything we buy comes in some form of a package even if it is just the bag we bring it home in.  Many of us do try we use products made from recycled materials carry our own shopping bags and recycle what we can. But it is enough? Are we DOING enough? 

This shows topic on “The Homestead Honey Hour” is about re-purposing STUFF!  Now we have all reused our shopping bags, Ice cream tubs, and cardboard boxes…but I am talking about taking something that would otherwise be thrown away or even recycled and RE-making it into something that will be useful again for a long time. For Instance…In a small town I used to live in, there was a second hand store…now most of the stuff in there was donated books and clothes.  And unlike other BIG VALUE second hand stores this was small and local that supported the big brothers and sisters organization of Canada.When clothes sat on the hangers for too long and were obviously NOT going to sell rather than throw them out they would take a lot of them and make them into simple tied quilts using donated blankets and flat sheets that had also been donated but not sold.  These simple quilts were then sold for $20…and AMAZINGLY reasonable price! They also did something I thought was very cool. Old Sweaters were taken apart at the seams and the yarn unraveled and rolled into balls and sold as bags of knitting yarn. What a GREAT Idea!

We are coming into a time or realization…we are realizing that what used to be convenience is becoming decadence!! That disposable is a dirty word and that Buying New is not always the best course. It’s time to take our purpose driven lives a step further and RE purpose the things we can. Remember one Man’s Garbage is another man’s gold and everything old is new again!!
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