What happened to the good ole head count?

What happened to the good ole head count?

October 8, 2012 Family Mind Set Prepper Mentality The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Ok , I am shocked, naively surprised maybe?   I just read that they are scanning palm prints of elementary students to pay for their school lunch? Really? Let’s get real folks that’s being fingerprinted!!!  and why…hello big brother!! Is this a necessity? What do you think, I think we don’t have enough jobs as it is and now we are scanning palm prints to pay for lunch. What happened to the good ole head count, the reason they say is to give kids more time to eat? Again really?  Let’s talk about this on my show “The Other Side…A Preppers Path” I believe it merits open discussion!  The show started out about ethics and I suppose this ties in too, The week has revealed much..headlines of out of control weddings and brawls, a mother shooting herself and 4 children while she was intoxicated. Yikes~What is going on.. on a lighter side the days of autumn are definitely upon us.  Chilly nights dipping down into the 20 degree realm, glorious sunny days revealing blue skies, falling leaves and the hustle and bustle of getting ready for the seasons change.  At my castle that includes, building a chicken coop, mowing a final time, re-caulking windows, splitting and stacking firewood and the list goes on.  All just a day in the life of a prepper.  October, the 10th month into the year 2012, and where are you?  In January we talked about assessing where you are in prepping and life with the changing of the season it’s a good reminder to take a moment and reassess where are we? Have you met goals, set others or are you woefully behind where you wanted to be?  What about what’s going on in the world today and it’s affect on you, have you assessed that? Let’s delve into this hodge podge and doing some assessing.
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