Prepper Lessons Learned…

Prepper Lessons Learned…

August 30, 2012 Preppers The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Lessons Learned……… what was that be aware, be prepared and have a plan?  My mantra along with several others but do we always practice what we preach in all we do?  Unfortunately today I learned  two not so pleasant things, my guest for tonight’s broadcast of  “The Other Side…A Preppers Path” Tony Nester is under the weather and can’t make the show and at 9 hours and counting I need a new show.  Yikes! Best wishes to Tony and for all you anticipating hearing from him take heart he will be back with us in a couple weeks.  Now for tonight… Preparedness in all areas and resilience, what to do when you get caught with your pants down!!  Join me tonight for a frank discussion and appraisal of where we really are in our life of being prepared. For getting caught with her pants down I must say this is one of the best broadcasts from our host Lynna I’ve heard being delivered on such short notice.

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