Homesteading and prepping when you have physical limitations!

Homesteading and prepping when you have physical limitations!

August 9, 2012 Handicaps Prepper Mentality Preppers Skills The Homestead Honey Hour 0

This airing of The Homestead Honey Hour I would like to talk about homesteading and prepping when you have physical limitations.  Now it is no secret that I have two kinds of arthritis, Fibromyalgia and weight issues that despite gastric bypass surgery and careful eating will likely never change. I have a curve in my spine that has plagued me with back problems and been the cause of 7 hernias. So Yes I have physical limitations…But do I let that stop me? Heck no!! If you re determined enough you can do almost anything you just have to look at the task from a different angle and try a new approach! 

Now I admit I have VOLFIE and a strong teenage son to help me but if I was (God Forbid) Alone I would still find a way of being as self- sufficient as possible I would not store our hay in the loft I would have it stored on skids and under tarps at ground level where I could easily pick away at it. There are raised garden beds container gardening. Even sacks of feed ,which I am no longer allowed to lift ( I never should have) can be cut open right on the tail gate of the truck and poured into smaller containers for easier carrying. Water for the animals? You can direct your rain downspout into a barrel or even a trough so that you only need to use small buckets for distribution.  As the old saying goes where there is a will there’s a way! Do you have physical limitations? Are you letting it stop you? If not what do you DO to work around them? Yes we all have bad days some of us more than others but we live for the GOOD days and make full use of them because life continues whether we participate or not…So I participate the best way I know how I live by the Phrase…NEVER SURRENDER!! And that can mean illness just as well as enemies because after all our own physical limitations can be our enemies if we allow it. Listen to this show in player below and learn some things you may not have known!

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